Training Courses

The training courses were developed as an intervention to fill in the psycho-social gap that was apparent during the counselling and reintegration process of the child. The aim of these courses is to equip the practitioner with ‘add-on’ skills that ensure a higher success ratio of children who are reunited and reintegrated with their families.

From inception, PIP has provided:

20 Training courses with an average of 6 practitioners from different street-connected organizations in several counties of Kenya.

6  Training courses with an average of 10 practitioners from SOS Children’s Villages (Suba; Meru; Kisumu)

40 Training courses with an average of 10 teacher counsellors from different Primary Schools in Kisumu


The purpose of having intervision group meetings is for practitioners, who have been trained in the methodology, to have a forum where they can share their counselling experiences.

The aim of the intervision meetings is for practitioners to come up with new insights that empower colleagues with the complex issues that might arise in many a case.

The intervision groups are set up following a training in the PIP methodology.



From the institutions that have had their practitioners trained in the methodology, PIP is working in collaboration with Juvenile Remand Institutions to supervise the entire reintegration process.

The process involves ensuring that all the major key steps are adhered to in order to enable a successful reintegration of the child with the child’s best interest being the corner stone.


The purpose of supervision is to provide technical support to those that have undergone the training and are practicing.

The aim is to encourage practitioners to reflect on their professional attitude with the view of improving on their quality of work.


PIP embarked on a fact finding mission to establish the viability of the new methodology visa vie the standard counselling procedure that were commonly in practice. From the first roll out of PIP trained counsellors, PIP has been gathering information of the entire reintegration process.

The survey is being conducted in phases to establish strengths and weakness of the entire process.

The first phase will gather information from children within institutions and will involve children who are randomly selected to participate either for the PIP methodology trial or act as the control.

With a target of 30 children per institution and an overall target of 300 children, PIP can share some of the preliminary findings that have been analyzed.

The outcome from the analysis conducted so far strongly indicate that, of the children counselled using the PIP methodology, 100% of them said that “it made it much easier for them to tell their life story”. This view is echoed by the practitioners.

These findings have been shared with the relevant authorities and has led to even more institutions and schools engaging Foundation PIP to have their practitioners and teacher counsellors in school trained in the methodology.

Survey Findings